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Dag Hans, Wat is de gebruikelijke frequentie van 24GHz? Alles OK? Ik ben 80 en ook nog prima....Groeten'Jan
Hoi Hans,
Leuk je gevonden te hebben.... ex collega van bij CASEMA destijds....
Ben tegenwoordig actief als Pa1Ra.
Interessante homepage heb je!
I wonder if you could help me - looking to purchase some items from E-bay seller ggc_allerlei who is based in Germany and will only sell to that country. I need a third party based in Germany to receive monies from myself, order items from him and on receipt, send them on to me.
Hi Hans,
Congratulations for your Page, activity and hobbies some of them I share !
I hope to find you on the waves or, eventually in Cascais next time.
KR, 73
José Francisco //
Hallo Hans,
Ik had gezien het signaal en antenne richting al het vermoeden: PA3BIY werkt remote vanaf jouw oude QTH hier in Hazerswoude-Dorp, wel erg jammer dat hij volgens QRZ.com zegt dat hij in Nootdorp zit en QTH-locator JO22hb is, zijn signaal (antenne locatie is duidelijk JO22HC), ik hoop dat hij remote ook zijn ALC van zijn 2m / FT8 signaal in de gaten kan houden, ik vermoed namelijk van niet! Hij zet herhaaldelijk meerdere signalen in één tijdslot in de lucht, ook terwijl hier het primaire signaal vaak onder de 0 (nul) dB is! 73 de Frank PH2M - JO22HC13AB
Could you provide some information about how you create the Q65 digital audio for the beacon? Thank you!
Heb het rfseminar/47ghz gelezen, veel nieuwe info. Succes met de verdere 47GHz experimenten, GL. 73
I saw your article about repairing Hameg HM5033. I have a few questions. Could you text me on arf-88@yandex.ru ?
Very interesting site. Plenty of information.
I was interested particularly in your frequency stabilization of Perseus receiver with the heater from Kuhne.
How did you supply the heater as it needs 8-12v?
Did you use an external power supply or used a voltage converter from 5V rail?
73 de Corneliu
I cam across your pages by accident just now - VERY INTERESTING stuff indeed
I was a professional marine radio/comms/nav aids officer for 10 yeears and then ran an RF metrology/product quality engineering lab for 10 years, also did some work in semiconductors - still working for a Swiss company but getting back into radio again. QRP, WSPR etc and also space communications down to VLF communications. Your work looks very interesting and I am VERY jealous of your QTH/radio shack configuration.
Best Regards
Pete EI1739SWL
(ex 9K, HN, HZ callsigns)
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