eddy 163at016 06-12-14 10:58:50

Hi steven nice web page all the best from wales.
73 Eddy

Tonny 19at177 02-07-14 13:44:49

hi Steven,Ik ben voor eerst op je web het ziet er goed uit !grt, Tonny.

1MRM Maria Rita 27-04-14 08:51:58

Congratulation for your website is very nice. There are more informations. Best regard's


henk ekkelboom 14-07-13 00:41:10

ziet er leuk uit Steven

14HF297 JEROME 19-05-13 20:07:05

HI Steven, really happy to have met you on the HF meeting, soon i go to see you on the DUTCH AT meeting !
best regards

14hf040 David 19-05-13 20:00:37

congratulation for this site and thank you for the orange team came to the HF metting
the pleasure of the air
David 14HF040

26AT106 14-05-13 16:59:01

Great site Steven. Best 73's 106

jack 19AC155 30-12-12 12:44:23

Hello Steven.
Good, fun and informative site.
Think just go look, thought at first that the sign was only for at members.
Hope you once again to speak on one or other activation, if you don't know where to go, say it but have a few divisions on my wishlist.
Well Steven wish you and your family a rousing new year's Eve, with best wishes, and then maybe to the field days, but definitely on the meeting.
Greetings Jack 19AC155

19FU590 05-08-12 17:12:16

moest natuurlijk Steven zijn, sorry, foutje

19FU90 johan 05-08-12 17:10:44

Hoi Vincent,
Leuk je gewerkt te hebben, nog een fijne vakantie daar aan de costa brava.

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